Dealing with dividing decimals by decimals examples follows the same principle as when dividing whole numbers by decimal numbers.
We again look to try and make the divisor decimal a whole number.
But it’s ok to leave the dividend we are dividing as a decimal number if it does stay that way.
Dividing by a Decimal Recap:
If we have a sum such as, 24 ÷ 0.6.We want to change the dividing number from a decimal to a whole number before division, but also keeping the overall division sum the same.
In order to get 0.6 as a whole number, the decimal point needs to be moved 2 places to the right.
This can be done with multiplication, 10 has 1 zero, so if we recall from multiplying decimals:
0.6 × 10 = 6.0 = 6
However, there also needs to be a multiplication of 24 by 10 also, so we keep the overall sum the same.
So we would have, 240 ÷ 6.
Which is 400.
That is the answer to the original 24 ÷ 0.6.
Dividing Decimals by Decimals Examples
4.8 ÷ 0.5
4.8 ÷ 0.5 × 10 => 48 ÷ 5
\begin{array}{r} 09\space \\[-2pt] 5 {\bf{|}} {\overline{\space 48. }}\\ {\text{--}}\space \underline{45} \space \\ 3 \space\\ \end{array}
At this point we can add on an extra zero ahead of the decimal point in the divisor and continue.
\begin{array}{r} 09.6 \\[-2pt] 5 {\bf{|}} {\overline{\space 48.0 }}\\ {\text{--}}\space \underline{45} \space\space\space \\ 3\space0 \\ {\text{--}}\space \underline{3\space0} \\ 0 \\ \end{array}
4.8 ÷ 0.5 = 9.6
6.27 ÷ 0.2
6.27 ÷ 0.2 × 10 => 62.7 ÷ 2
\begin{array}{r} 31.35\space\\[-2pt] 2 {\bf{|}} {\overline{\space 62.70 \space}} \\ {\text{--}}\space \underline{6} \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space \\ 02 \space\space\space\space\space\space\\ {\text{--}}\space \underline{2} \space\space\space\space\space\space \\ 0\space7\space\space\space \\ {\text{--}}\space \underline{6}\space\space\space \\ 10\space \\ {\text{--}}\space \underline{10}\space \\ 0\space \\ \end{array}
6.27 ÷ 0.2 = 31.35
82.6 ÷ 0.04
82.6 ÷ 0.14 × 100 => 8260. ÷ 14
\begin{array}{r} 590.\space\\[-2pt] 14 {\bf{|}} {\overline{\space 8260. \space}} \\ {\text{--}}\space \underline{70} \space\space\space\space\space\space \\ 126 \space\space\space\space\\ {\text{--}}\space \underline{126} \space\space\space\space \\ 00\space\space \\ {\text{--}}\space \underline{0}\space\space \\ 0\space\space \\ \end{array}
82.6 ÷ 0.14 = 590
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