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Division Sums Introduction
Division and Remainders

On this Page:
 1)  Symbol for Division, Examples
2)  Division by 1
3)  Remainders
4)  Division by Zero

Division sums in their simplest form, generally amount to dividing or separating a bigger group, into a smaller group or groups.
More Mathematically speaking, dividing a greater number into lesser numbers.

Now one can divide a smaller number by a larger number as well when required.

However this division sums introduction page just focuses on dividing a larger number by a smaller number to introduce the idea.
Along with looking at division and remainders when they occur.

Symbol for Division

The symbol for division is  ÷.

Thus  16 divided by 8,

looks like  16 ÷ 8.

Although it is the case that often division sums can be written like a fraction in the form:


The top number is the number being divided by the lower number.

This top number is called the  NUMERATOR.
The lower number is called the  DENOMINATOR.         \frac{NUMERATOR}{DENOMINATOR}



6 ÷ 3  =

Thinking about this division, let’s say that we have  6  tennis balls.

Dividing by  3,  means that we want to split the  6  tennis balls into  3&nbsp: groups.
The answer to the sum, is what size the  3  groups being split into are.

tennis ball example for a good division sums introduction

The initial group of  6  tennis balls, divided into  3  groups of tennis balls, gives a result of size  2.

So we have,   6 ÷ 3 = 2.


8 ÷ 2 =

If we again think in terms of tennis balls.
Dividing up a group of  8  into  2  groups.

Second example of division as an image.

We can see that  2  groups of  4  are made.

So,   8 ÷ 2 = 4

Division by 1

Division by  1  always has the same result when carried out.

If we had,  7 ÷ 1 =

We will be splitting a group of  7  into  1  group.
But division by  1  really means not splitting or dividing up at all.

Example of dividing by the number 1.

There already was one group of  7.

Thus division of one group of  7  into one group, simply results in the same group/number that was already there.
A number divided by  1 , will just result in the same number.

So,   7 ÷ 1 = 5      ,     2 ÷ 1 = 2      ,     10 ÷ 1 = 10    etc.

Division and Remainders

There are times when a division of a larger number into a smaller number doesn’t result in an equal division, when we have division and remainders.

We could have,  9 ÷ 2 =

Division with a remainder.

It turns out that a group of  9  does divide into 2 groups of  4,  but there does end up being 1 tennis ball left over, 1 tennis ball remaining.

So,   9 ÷ 2  =  4 remainder 1.

A result such as this which includes a remainder, is often denoted as  3r1.

We can also look at,   7 ÷ 5  =.

Example of a remainder larger than 1.

7 ÷ 5  =  1r2

Division with Zero

Another important case to show in a division sums introduction is division when  0  is involved.

Firstly, the case of dividing the number  0.

Say we had the following.     0 ÷ 4  =

If we have  0  tennis balls, then there is no group to divide or split up.
So there is still no group at all after any division.

Which means that zero divided by a non zero number results in just zero.

0 ÷ 1 = 0      ,     0 ÷ 4 = 0      ,     0 ÷ 5 = 0    etc.

There is also the case of dividing by  0.

We could have  4 ÷ 0 =

Results from dividing by zero.

There isn’t really an answer we can come up with for how many groups of zero can be made from a group of  4.

As such, when a number is divided by  0,  the answer is classed as undefined.

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