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Types of Angles, Degree Measure

On this Page:
 1)  How to Write Degrees
2)  Degree Measure Examples
3)  Angle Types

Prior to looking at different types of angles and their names, we need to have a good understanding of degree measure and how we use it to measure angle sizes.
At more basic level Math, degrees are the most common method of measuring the size of angles.

With an angle being a specific amount of rotation.


How to Write Degrees,
Degrees in a Circle

The symbol for degrees is a small circle above the right side of a number.

So  45  degrees looks like  45°.

A full rotation all the way around a full circle is of size  360°.

Introduction to degree measure in a circle.

A quarter of the way around a circle is of size  90°.

Half way around a circle is  180°,  and three quarters of a way around a circle is of size  270°.

Various degree measurements around a circle.

Angles of size  40  degrees and  130  degrees inside a circle would look like the following.

Two different sized angles.

As will be viewed later on in the page. Different sized angles have different names to classify them.

It’s also the case that angles don’t only go up to  360°  in size.

We can keep going beyond one full rotation of a circle as far as we would like.
The picture below gives a basic example of where an angle of size   410°   is shown.

Angle larger than 360 degrees.

Degree Measure Examples

What size is the blue angle in each of the following cases.

Angle size to find.
Blue angle:    360° 55°  =  305°

Finding size of angle example.
Blue angle:    360° 230°  =  130°

Third angle size to find.
Blue angle:    360° 120° 110°  =  130°

Names and Types of Angles

Different types of angles have different names to identify and classify them.
Below is a selection of some of the most common angle types that can be encountered in Math.

Right Angle

A right angle is an angle that is exactly  90°  in size.
Usually right angles are presented as a square.
Standard right angle.

Acute Angle

An acute angle is an angle that is less than  90°  in size.
An acute angle.

Obtuse Angle

An obtuse angle is an angle that is larger than  90°,  but smaller than  180°.
An obtuse angle.

Straight Angle

A straight angle is an angle that is exactly  180°.
Which is the angle on a straight line.
A stright angle.

Reflex Angle

A reflex angle is an angle where the size is greater than  180°,  but less than  360°  in size.

A reflex angle.

Adjacent Angles

Adjacent angles happen to be angles that share a common point/vertex, and also a common side, while not overlapping each other.

Angle Positive and Negative Direction

Depending on how the size of an angle is measured, the angle can be classed as being in a positive direction or a negative direction.
Possible direction of angles.
Positive direction is anti-clockwise, and negative direction is clockwise.

Congruent Angles

Congruent angles in Math are simply angles that are of the same size. Though they can look different depending on how they are drawn.

The two angles pictured below are congruent. They are the same size, but just presented slightly differently.
Example of congruent angles.

Types of Angles, Summary

Types of angles summary.

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