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Vertically Opposite Angles,
Complementary and Supplementary Angles

Before focusing primarily on vertically opposite angles, it’s very useful to first understand what complementary and supplementary angles are.

Complementary Angles

Complementary angles are  2  angles that when they are added together they sum up to  90°.

40°  and  50°  are complementary to each other as angles, as they add up to  90°.

The  2  angles concerned don’t always have to be adjacent, where the angles share a common point/vertex along with a common side between them.
As well as being presented along side each other. Complementary and Supplementary angles can also be apart from each other, thus sharing no point/vertex or side.

25°  and 65°  are complementary to one another also.     25° + 65°  =  90



What angle is complementary to  62°?


90°62°  =  28°     ,     28° + 62°  =  90°

The angle  28°  is complementary with the angle  62°.

Supplementary Angles

The concept of supplementary angles is fairly similar to complementary angles.

Supplementary angles are angles that when they are added together they sum up to  180°.

110°  and  70°  are angles that are supplementary.       110° + 70°  =  180°

Like with the case of complimentary angles, supplementary angles don’t have to be right next to each other, but at times they can be.

130°  and  50°  are supplementary.       130 + 50°  =  180°



What angle is supplementary with  116°?


180°116°  =  64°       ,       116° + 64°  =  180°

The angle  64°  is supplementary with the angle  116°.

Vertically Opposite Angles

Vertically opposite angles, which can also known as vertical angles.
Are  2  angles of the same size, that are formed between opposite sides of  2  straight lines which intersect.

Vertical Angles Theorem

This theorem happens to be a type of proof with regards to the value of angles that are vertically opposite.

In the diagram above angles  A  and  B  are supplementary with each other, thus add up to  180°.

A + B  =  180°

Angles  B  and  C  are also angles that are supplementary with each other.

B + C  =  180°

A + B  =  B + C

Now from here, using a bit of Algebra.

A  =  B + CB    =>    A = C

The same approach can be used for the equality of angles  B  and  D.

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