In Math palindrome Numbers are numbers that read out the same way backwards as they do when read forwards.
We can look at some examples of palindrome numbers.
[ 454 , 373 , 8228 , 51015 ]
It’s also the case that any number with all the same digits is a palindrome number, even 0 and single digit numbers. All the numbers below are palindromes.
[ 7 , 22 , 9999 , 888888 ]Now some examples of numbers that are NOT palindrome can be seen below.
[ 51 , 234 , 8808 ]These are numbers that read out differently backwards and forwards.
How to Find Palindrome Numbers
Almost any random number, but not all, can be used to help us find a palindrome number.
With the approach of reversing the number, combined with the operation of addition.
This is best viewed and understood in some examples.
We can use the number 41 to find a palindrome number.
41 reversed is 14.
Now adding them both together. 41 + 14 = 55
55 is a palindrome number, which 41 helped us to find in just one step of reversing and addition combined.
We can try with the number 64.
64 reversed is 46.
Now adding them both together. 64 + 46 = 110
Now 110 is NOT a palindrome number, so what we do is carry out the reversing and addition again.
110 reversed is 011, which is actually 11.
Adding them together. 110 + 11 = 121
Now 121 is a palindrome number, which was found with two steps of reversing and addition this time.
Let’s try with a three digit number, 206.
206 reverses to 602.
Adding together. 206 + 602 = 808
808 is a palindrome number, found in one step.
Often after no more than six to eight steps of performing the method of reversing and addition with a random number, you will obtain a result that is a palindrome number.
However this isn’t the case with all random numbers we can use.
What are Palindrome Numbers
Lychrel Numbers
In learning the answer to what are palindrome numbers, it’s also handy to become aware of what are known as Lychrel numbers.
Lychrel Numbers are numbers that cannot be used to form a palindrome number with the reversing and addition method, no matter how many attempts are made.
The most common and well known Lychrel Number is the number 196.
The first six currently known Lychrel Numbers are: 196, 295, 394, 493, 592, 689.
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